cigareboard.jpgAs of December 31st, Le Cigare Volant restaurant will close.

I spent some time today sitting with winemaker/restaurateur Randall Grahm deconstructing the situation. And essentially, it’s no big mystery. “To do a proper restaurant,” Grahm told me, “you have to know what you’re doing. You have to have the wit to locate your restaurant in the right place, to know your clientele, to be on the premisses 200% of the time—to be a real restaurateur.”

In other words, he continued with a wry smile, “you have to know what you’re doing.”

Grahm, who admits that restaurant managing is not his first language—”nor my second or third”—says that running two huge businesses at once, winemaking and restaurateuring, put him and his resources over the top. And he told me a whole lot of other things as well that are not for publication.

So if, like me, you were a fan of the charmingly only-in-Doon establishment, then by all means make reservations to enjoy the cavernous ambience (perhaps another one of the problems) and the spectacular culinary gifts of Ryan and Oomi Shelton. You have two more weeks.

And then the Bonny Doon Vineyard tasting room will turn back into a…..tasting room. And we’ll see where the ongoing saga of Randall Grahm leads next.