jimbus.jpgJim Denevan gave us a tasty gift ten years ago, when the idea of outdoor dining on farms and incomparable natural settings was but a gleam in his eye.

But as you know, Outstanding in the Field has gone viral in the most delicious possible way. In fact adventurous diners will want to quick pounce on some of the available places at the Secret Sea Cove dinner on July 5.

Here’s why.  H&H seafoods, fresher than a just-baked croissant, will form the centerpiece of the dinner. The ocean, surf, sand, and sheltering cliffs will form an unforgettable background. And, in a rare return to Santa Cruz, Justin Severino will bring his eye for detail and gift for culinary glory to the table as featured chef. Yes, that Justin Severino. Formerly of Severino’s Community Butcher, formerly of Manresa, and now chef/proprietor of his own award-winning place in Pittsburgh, PA, called Cure (as in charcuterie….). It will be worth the $240 price of multi-courses and wines to hear über-fisherman Hans Haveman do his fish talk. Fabulous stories of harvest on the high seas! Rush to the website for your reservation!

outstandingtable.jpgAnd a new dinner @ Fogline Farm in Soquel has been added for Monday May 27, starting at 4pm, with host farmers Johnny Wilson and Caleb Barron, plus guest chef Greg Dunmore of San Francisco’s Nojo. $220.

At Fogline guests can expect perfect afternoon weather. The farm sits in the sweet spot between the cool ocean breezes and the hot inland weather, hence, The Fogline. In this idyllic location farmers Johnny Wilson and Caleb Baron raise succulent pigs and chickens and grow diverse fruits and vegetables which reach the community at local restaurants, farmers markets and the Fogline CSA.

Expect to be dazzled by chef Dunmore’s chops, if you’ll excuse the pun. I’ll see you there! Make your reservation at the Outstanding website. Do it now!