Cabrillo Winemaker Dinner – May 20

Cabrillo Winemaker Dinner – May 20

culinarywine.jpgThis Thursday, May 20, Vine Hill Winery teams up with top talent from the Cabrillo College Culinary Arts program for a dreamy match-up of wines and menu.
Actually, it’s close to the deal of the century. A four-course, $65 prix fixe dinner matching innovative dishes with memorable wines made by Vine Hill’s award-winning Sal Godinez. I was lucky enough to sit in on the class in which students sampled wines (instructor Michael Wille shown here), listened to comments from the winemaker, and then began to strategize on ingredients, seasoning and cooking styles to harmonize with the varietals.
Here’s what the students have planned.

The first Course involves duck rillettes with eggplant terrine, goat cheese tomato sauce and brioche toast points, paired with Gatos Locos Syrah, 2006.

Second course, matched with Vine Hill Chardonnay 2008, (more…)

Cirque du Joze

Cirque du Joze

In his glory and surrounded by a) adoring culinary fans, b) terrific music, and c) spicy jozecooks.jpgaromas of garlic, chile and ginger, Joseph Schultz ascended the stage/altar and wok’d and wok’d until no plate was empty.

It was a May Day afternoon devoted to gado gado, Dragon chicken (very mild), Calamari two ways (the djawa was superb, just like the old days), Pad Thai (glorious texture and temperature, invisible flavor), and never-better lashings of Hibiscus Cooler. While Irene Herrmann plus the ubiquitous Rangells filled the courtyard nextdoor to the restaurant-in-waiting with mandolin melodies, the crowd ate its fill.

Astonishingly enough the entire outdoor, makeshift, camp cooking operation went smoothly. (more…)

Soup Supper @ Cocoanut Grove – April 29

The Homeless Services Center’s 11th Annual Soupline Supper and Benefit Auction is coming up on Thursday, April 29, 5:30-7:30 ($25) at the Cocoanut Grove on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. After ten years tradition at the Holy Cross Parish hall, this is the first year at a new venue. What hasn’t changed about this annual extravaganza of delicious soups, breads, and desserts from some of Santa Cruz’s best restaurants and bakeries, is the dizzying array of auction items and amazing variety. Plus I’ll be there serving soup beautiful soup.

This year’s auction includes Disneyland passes, a personal retreat at Esalen Institute, (more…)

Kitchen Magic

Kitchen Magic

joze.JPGSurrounded by the sacred artifacts, fetishes and flavorings of his alchemical trade, and clad in ceremonial robes, well-seasoned shaman of all things culinary—Joseph Schultz—prepares for an intensive workshop in Greco-Turkish cooking at the demonstration kitchen at New Leaf Market.

Was the maestro giving a crash course in ethnic cookery? or was he refreshing his chops for the May 1st opening of his new India Joze Restaurant?

Stay tuned.

Weekly Addiction

Weekly Addiction

Here we are again, swilling the sushi and sashimi at Kawa Sushi (corner of Mission & kawasushi.jpgBay).

It’s pretty hard to beat the incredible protein & wasabi hit of this menu. Service is outstanding, the tables are generously spaced, and you can actually carry on a conversation over the Santa Cruz Roll, the tekka maki with shiso and a sashimi combo appetizer.

The $1 prices on small sakes during weekday happy hour add extra incentive to feast at this reliable sushi bar.

Recession Dining

Recession Dining

beansrice.jpgHere’s how we handle it, this winter/recession thing.

Beans, rice and Italian sausages (all natural pork made by New Leaf).

Add a big glass of Bonny Doon Vineyard‘s excellent Sangiovese, a few candles (yes, David, we still dine by candlelight every night), and voila!