An idea whose time is questionable….

I admire the entrepreneurial spirit as much as the next woman, but I just have to wonder (to quote late-night talk hostess Joyce Riley) – “What were they thinking?”

I am musing about the sign currently placed at the front of the former Bella Napoli, the former Il Trulli, the former Limoncello, the former Rocco’s: it announces that a “Mex/Italian Restaurant” is coming soon.

Two great cuisines.  But will they really be enhanced by an arranged marriage? Nachos Alfredo? Menudo Bolognese? Horchata panna cotta?

Hmm, come to think of it, a sweet rice panna cotta might not be bad…….

More Manresa

More Manresa

gardenmanresa.jpgLast month the dishes arrived like bright, colorful jewels from the kitchen of David Kinch.Here is a celebrated plate — Into the Garden — in which choice morsels of what’s freshest and most appealing from Kinch’s grower, Love Apple Farm. Served on an Annieglass plate, almost too pretty to eat. Almost.  (more…)

@ la Posta

@ la Posta

lapostasalad.jpgTuesdays, la Posta. The marvelous live mandolin and guitar music, the house Montepulciano, the neighborhood special….$15 for pizza and a glass of house wine.

We added this sparkling fresh salad of watercress and fava beans, topped with a perfect egg from the house chickens. Affordable, luxurious comfort food.

What a concept.

Dynamite Davenport Dinner

Dynamite Davenport Dinner

halibut.jpgWe had a terrific dinner last night at the Davenport Roadhouse. All four of our entrees, including a mushroom risotto, steelhead with pesto, roasted local halibut on a bed of favas and lemon spaetzle and my order of rare hanger steak atop lemony fresh artichoke hearts, fennel and mashed potatoes. Each dish was vibrant with seasonal flavors.

Our compliments to the talented man in the kitchen, Tim Edmonds. We’ll be heading back to the Roadhouse soon. The gorgeous view of the ocean at sunset doesn’t hurt the ambience one bit either.