A particularly juicy collection of eye candy loaded with intriguing psychological backstory – that’sdollart.jpg the current Assemblage + Collage show filling the vintage digs of the Santa Cruz Art League, at 526 Broadway. The Art League’s installment of this multi-venue show — it’s pretty much all over town in selected galleries and museum spaces — was curated by Maureen Davidson and offers a sensory overload of professional artworks. Gorgeous stuff actually, utterly ingenious, some haunting, others displaying uncanny expertise with found and manipulated media.

We loved the work of laura laura – whose piquant mannikin “fountain” is shown here.

Strong and compelling, the show fills the Art League galleries through April 5. Don’t miss it!

Santa Cruz Art League: 831/426-5787 – Wed-Sat, noon-5; Sun, noon-4.