chia1.jpgI scored a couple of these laugh-til-you-cry terracotta busts with Barry Obama’s face at the Scotts Valley K-Mart while delivering cookies to my Auntie Da.

Chortling so hard I could barely grasp my credit card to pay, I whisked them back home and wrapped up one to give my girlfriend/opera companion and the other for my sweetie.

You know the deal with Chia pets? You immerse the terra cotta in water for an hour, slather the top with gooey chia seeds, place the soon-to-be shrine in a sunny window and wait until the seeds sprout, and the head will be covered with green “hair.”

Well, it’s day four and so far just a few straggling sprouts……bummer. But hey, there are enough seeds that we can just scrape off Obama’s gooey hair and start over.

In warmer weather.