kellys.jpgYou wanted it – you got it. The vibrant and popular block party that made the Westside hum last summer, is back again.

Here’s a sneak peek….

Carried Away quinoa salad with mango
Bonny Doon Cellar Door pulled pork sandwich with romesco sauce
O’mei Hunan Smoked Ribs
Avanti Boudin Blanc & Cabbage
H&H Ceviche and Fish Tacos
Rice Croquettes, Chocolate Cupcakes and Apple Tarte from Kelly’s
Feast for a King catering grilled artichokes and grilled lemon chicken
lots more – Swing Jazz by Alone Together

Sat. October 24, 4-7pm
402 Ingalls St. – Swift Street Courtyard
Questions? 423-9059, ext. 102

Bring your own plates, glasses & utensils.