th.jpgThe collaborative selfie (thanks to über hunk Bradley Cooper) was a delightful moment amongst rather predictable turns on the stage.

Harrison Ford will probably not be asked back. Nor will poor Kim Novak.

Alfonso Cuaron was an elegant recipient of the Best Director award – but his outstanding film Gravity, which won seven awards, was robbed of its rightful Best Picture Oscar.

Everybody knows that. But still, it was the huge and obvious snub.

Ditto Leonardo DiCaprio‘s non-Oscar for Best Actor.

Cate Blanchett’s crass and ungraceful acceptance speech should pretty much confine her to Australia for the rest of her acting career. But it was made up for by the stirring remarks from Jared Leto who managed to be both political and sincere.
Meryl Streep proved once again that she’s not only a great screen presence, but she’s also a real player.

And why on earth so much time was spent on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” instead of a photo-montage tribute to both Shirley Temple and Philip Seymour Hoffman I’ll never know!!

Loved Ellen. The pizza. Fab.