soifceiling.jpgCongratulations to Patrice Boyle and company for, gulp, ten years of quenching discerning thirsts at their sleek and amiable bôite, Soif. Hard to believe this downtown landmark opened its doors on August 6, 2002.

To celebrate Walnut Avenue, between Pacific and Cedar was coned off for an al fresco fête of wine, beer and bbq. And many lovely apps were enjoyed by friends and family at the vibrant after party.

Renowned wine merchant Kermit Lynch sent his congratulations to Soif on this historic decade of soifing. “What a wonderful gathering place you all have created. Here’s to the next 10 years of quenching our thirst at Soif.” Adding to the restless and world-ranging wine list at Soif are the ever-changing menus from chef Santos Majano, who excels at beautiful dishes made from locally-grown, seasonal ingredients to accompany each and every grenache, verdelho and tokai.

That’s the ceiling of Soif, decorated with vineyard-hued balloons for the gala 10th anniversary party on Sunday.